​Learning how to be more independent.
Explore deeper into self discovery, awareness, assertiveness.
Improve socialization and communication skills.
Finding motivation and inspiration.
Coping with stress, peer issues and relationships at whole.
Coping with transitions, change and starting anything new.
Mindfulness of behavior, actions and choices.
Responsibility and accountability.
Balancing family, school, hobbies and socialization.
Wellness of the mind and body.
Communicating with family, parents, peers.
Problem solving skills.
Emotional Intelligence.
Dealing with grief and loss.
All programs are conducted / taught / observed / supervised by certified and licensed dedicated professionals that are passionate to make an impact in our children today. All facilitators go through an extensive background check and credentialing process, assuring quality and safe interactions with your child. Please note that life coaches are not therapists or counselors, and if a child seems to be in need of therapeutic intervention and or other - our facilitators will notify the parents by conference appointment to review the situation and approach a better solution for the child.
Book a Free Consultation Today!